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Writer's pictureAmy Lewis

The Benefits of Animal Reiki for Fireworks and Thunderstorm Anxiety

Fireworks and thunderstorms can turn a normally calm and happy pet into a bundle of nerves. The loud noises and sudden flashes of light often trigger intense fear and anxiety in animals, leading to behaviors like trembling, hiding, excessive barking, or even destructive actions. As pet owners, it can be heartbreaking to witness our furry friends in such distress. Fortunately, Reiki, a gentle form of energy healing, can offer significant relief and comfort to animals during these stressful events.

Understanding Animal Reiki and Its Benefits

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that involves the transfer of universal life force energy through the hands of a practitioner to the recipient. This energy promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and facilitates healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. When applied to animals, Reiki can help them feel calmer and more secure, making it an ideal solution for dealing with the anxiety caused by fireworks or thunderstorms.

Benefits of Animal Reiki:

  1. Calming Effect: Reiki helps to soothe and calm anxious pets, reducing their stress levels and promoting a sense of peace.

  2. Emotional Balance: It can help animals release fears and emotional traumas, contributing to a more balanced emotional state.

  3. Enhanced Bonding: The act of giving Reiki to your pet can strengthen the bond between you, as it involves a deep level of connection and trust.

  4. Pain Relief: Reiki can alleviate physical discomfort, which might be exacerbated by stress.

  5. Behavioral Improvement: Regular Reiki sessions can lead to improvements in behavior, as a calm pet is less likely to exhibit destructive or aggressive behaviors.

Learning to Perform Reiki on Your Pet

While it is recommended to receive an attunement from a Reiki Master to fully access and channel Reiki energy, it is not strictly necessary to begin helping your pet with Reiki. Here is a step-by-step process for pet owners to learn how to perform Reiki on their animals:

  1. Find a Quiet Space: Choose a quiet, comfortable area where both you and your pet can relax undisturbed. This will help create a calm environment conducive to healing.

  2. Relax and Center Yourself: Before starting, take a few deep breaths to relax and center yourself. Let go of any stress or distractions, and focus on the present moment.

  3. Set Your Intention: Set a positive intention for the Reiki session. You might say, “I intend to provide calming and healing energy to [pet’s name] to help them feel safe and relaxed during fireworks/thunderstorms.”

  4. Begin with Self-Reiki (Optional): If you are new to Reiki, you might want to start by practicing on yourself to become familiar with the energy. Place your hands on different parts of your body, feeling the warmth and energy flow.

  5. Connect with Your Pet: Gently place your hands on or near your pet. If your pet is uncomfortable with direct touch, you can hover your hands just above their body. Focus on sending love and calm energy through your hands.

  6. Visualize Healing Light: Imagine a warm, healing light flowing from your hands into your pet. Visualize this light as a gentle, soothing stream of energy that brings peace and relaxation to your pet.

  7. Observe Your Pet’s Responses: Pay attention to your pet’s reactions. Some animals may move around or reposition themselves to guide your hands to where they need the energy most. Trust your intuition and follow their cues.

  8. Move Through Key Areas: Spend a few minutes on key areas such as the head, heart, and spine. These areas can help balance and calm your pet’s energy. Hold each position for a few minutes, allowing the energy to flow.

  9. Close the Session: When you feel the session is complete, gently withdraw your hands. Thank your pet for participating and spend a few moments in quiet reflection. You might offer a comforting pet or kind words to reinforce the connection.

  10. Practice Regularly: Regular practice can enhance your ability to channel Reiki energy and increase your pet’s comfort with the process. Consistency is key to achieving the best results.


Reiki is a powerful tool that can help alleviate the anxiety and fear that many pets experience during fireworks or thunderstorms. By learning and practicing Reiki, pet owners can provide comfort and support to their furry companions, strengthening the bond between them and promoting overall well-being.

While an attunement from a Reiki Master can enhance your ability to channel Reiki energy, you can still begin helping your pet with the basics of Reiki. Remember, our pets are here to help us learn and grow. By embracing energy healing, we can reciprocate their love and support, ensuring they feel safe, loved, and understood, even in the face of life’s loudest storms.

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