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Writer's pictureAmy Lewis

How Does Sound Promote Healing?

Updated: Oct 15, 2022

Sound healing therapy, commonly referred to as a sound bath, has become increasingly popular in recent years. But what exactly is a sound bath? Is it just a new fad that will fade away soon, or is it here to stay? Moreover, how does sound promote healing? The science of sound healing is all about frequencies and vibrations.

Sound healing has been practiced in many cultures around the world for thousands of years. Greek physicians used flutes, lyres, and zithers to heal their patients in a variety of ways. By harnessing the power of vibration, they were able to help with digestion, treat mental disturbances, and induce sleep. Fast forward a few thousand years to the 21st century and people are now forming groups to facilitate sound baths. It is unlikely that our ancient ancestors gathered in a group to lay on yoga mats and listen to crystal bowl music, but they did understand the healing properties of sound. With the use of instruments, mantras, and the human voice, we can set the intention to move from a place of imbalance and dis-ease to a place of healing and wholeness.

As humans, we are hardwired to react to perceived threats with a "fight or flight" response. This is an automatic reaction that is often experienced as stressful or frightening. The perception of threat activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers an acute stress response that prepares the body to fight or flee. However, living in a constant state of fight or flight can take a toll on our physical and mental health.

During a sound bath, sound wave frequencies cause shifts in our brainwaves allowing for deep relaxation and healing to occur. This activates the parasympathetic nervous system- the rest and digest state. When our parasympathetic nervous system is activated our bodies are able to relax and healing can occur naturally. Meditation is a great way to activate our parasympathetic nervous system. However, for some people that have an overactive mind, it can be tough to sit in stillness for long periods of time. Attending a sound bath can be a great way to quiet our mind because the tones and frequencies created from sound give our minds something to hold on to and help quiet our Vritti, or mental chatter. When our mind and body can fully relax, we are more receptive to the healing frequencies which allow the energy in our body to move freely.

Throughout our lives, and especially as children, we aren't always able to express our emotions properly and over time these emotions become trapped in the body. Even in our day-to-day routine, our body is put under mental, physical, and emotional stress, activating our sympathetic nervous system and keeping us in a fight-or-flight state. These trapped emotions and stress cause the energy in our body to become blocked which over time causes disease, or dis-ease, in our body's systems. The vibration of sound helps activate our parasympathetic nervous system and allows these trapped emotions to become free, giving us the opportunity to acknowledge and release each emotion, restoring harmony and balance to our energetic systems.

You may have discovered videos on YouTube that offer sound baths using crystal or Himalayan bowls. These videos are best experienced with earbuds, however, nothing compares to attending a sound bath in person. Attending in person allows you to feel the vibrations of the bowls and gives you the opportunity to feel a difference in your body after the session. Give yourself permission to relax and activate your parasympathetic nervous system. Allow your body to do what it does best; heal itself by removing any blockages and allowing energy to flow freely.

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